Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Years

Image via Pinterest

HAPPY NEW YEARS! Today marks the first day of 2015 and I have begun my list of goals, improvements, and setting up a new planner. As most years 2014 was filled with happy times, sad times, good times, and bad times, but I constantly remind myself to learn from the bad and sad times and enjoy the good and happy moments. In 2014 I graduated college, I finally grew the courage to create my own blog, and I'd like to think I've made the change of trying to be more of a positive person. It is common for people to create a list of New Years resolution but since my attempts at resolutions have always failed I decided to create a three lists: the things I've learned, the things I need to improve and the things I want to complete before the year is over. Some of the things I learned in 2014 are:

1) The Mind is a powerful thing and can be your worst enemy.
2) Things really do happen for a reason, as cliche as it sounds.
3) Being positive can turn your frown upside down, no matter what the situation is.
4) Hard work will move you forward in life, more than anything else.
5) Be nice and respectful to anyone who crosses your path, you never know who they are or if you might need their help one day.

I'm not perfect and I have my off days just like anyone else. Earlier this week I read three quotes that stuck to me and will soon be making their way onto my cork board:
1) "If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room."
2) "Whatever happened over this past year be thankful for where it brought you. Where you are is where you're meant to be."
3) "Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey. They don't need to, it's not for them."

I'm constantly looking for motivational quotes or prints so I created two Pinterest boards, which you can all take a look at whenever you need some motivation: first board and second board.

Happy New Years! Enjoy the day with your loved ones, relax and give yourself a fresh new start. Leave any negative feelings or experience behind you.

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